
School Uniform


Grey shorts or trousers

White shirt or white polo shirt

Blue sweatshirts with school logo*

Sensible and safe school shoes

Book Bag*


Grey pinafore, skirt or trousers

White blouse or white polo shirt

Blue sweatshirts with school logo*

Grey or white socks, tights or trousers

Summer dresses – blue and white check

Sensible and safe school shoes

Book Bag*


There is a P.E. kit, which is part of the school uniform, this consists of a t-shirt, shorts and plimsolls. Tracksuits are worn in cold weather for outdoor games. All clothing should be marked with the child's name and a PE bag is needed for the safe keeping of PE kit.

White T-shirt with school logo*

Black shorts*

Plimsolls for indoor wear

Trainers for outdoor wear

Grey Tracksuit with school logo required from Reception upwards*

PE Bag*


  1. If your child has boots or wellingtons for outside wear they will need to have normal school shoes to change into when they enter the school building. Trainers, boots, are not allowed inside the school building. Other shoes such as ‘crocs’ and ‘flip flops’ are not suitable footwear, inside or outside

  2. Please ensure that all items are clearly marked with your child’s name

  3. Nail varnish is not allowed

  4. Please note that tattoos, real or temporary, are not and never will be part of our school uniform. Please ensure that your child does not come to school with these

  5. Jewellery (including those considered to be of Religious significance) and earrings are not allowed but children with pierced ears may wear plain studs, although County safety regulations state that they must be removed for PE/games and swimming. Pupils who wear earrings other than plain studs will be asked to remove them

  6. Long hair should be tied back with a dark coloured elastic, hair bobble or ribbon. Please no extreme hairstyles or adornments.